Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Does everything we love make us fat?

Whether it's cheese or chocolate, French fries or fried chicken, many of our favorite foods tend to lead to an expanded waistline. Now, you can add your significant other to the list of things you love that are causing weight gain.

eDiets conducted a survey of more than 1,500 people to see how relationships affect weight and an overwhelming three-quarters of those surveyed said it was easier to maintain a diet when single, and a similar percentage of respondents found it more tempting to eat bad foods with their partners.

However, the news on dating and dieting wasn't all negative. In fact, roughly three-in-four respondents said their partner was supportive of their weight-loss efforts and about half exercised the same amount or more in a relationship as when they were single.

"The good news is the survey shows that a healthy relationship and healthy eating habits can go hand-in-hand," says eDiets Director of Nutrition Services Pam Ofstein. "As it should! Take the support of your partner and commit to each other to build a healthier, stronger relationship and lifestyle."

The survey found that respondents took pleasure in snuggling up at home about as much as a long romantic walk together. Other interesting findings from the survey:

-- 57% feel that being in a relationship has a negative effect on their waistline
-- 63% feel their significant other would rather eat unhealthy foods or portions
-- 74% are more tempted to eat "bad foods" when they were with their partner
-- 75% said it was easier to maintain their diet when single
-- 59% would rather have a great relationship than a great body


WeeZ said...

Personally I feel that in a relationship it is easier to get fat for sure...when you are single you have more time for yourself to maintain...and the bottom line is really is that bad foods are the foods that taste better anyway!

check it out:

Anonymous said...

It is true when you are in love, you spend a lot time with each other and there no time to go to the gym.

Anonymous said...

Agreed; its easier to lose weight when your single than being in a relationship and going out to eat every now and then. Because somehow you order something non- healthy evey single time when your out eating

Anonymous said...

Yeah once the woman starts to let herself go the man is not far behind. But it is always the men who want to get back to the gym and get their lean muscular body back. Then the women get all worried cause their man looks good and they look like a cow.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what everyone is talking about. Love is great but i hate getting caught up on spending every free minute with the bf and not finding time for myself. Overall i would pick the bf over the gym.

*but i do BLAME relationships for letting yourself go...

Anonymous said...

I guess the "L" in Love can also be the the "L" in lazy haha. I do get lazy when Im with my gf. We tend to eat late dinner or super late night dinner.

Xander said...
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Xander said...

More time is spent cuddling on the couch watching movies and no time is spent running on treadmill.