Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Drinking Do's & Don'ts

DO: Think of something fun to do while drinking. While, yes, it is incredibly entertaining to sit on your couch and drink until pass-out while watching whatever garbage is on TV, but it's also fun to actually go out and experience something while hammered.

DO: Get a designated driver.

DO: Buy drinks for your friends. It's just nice.

DON'T: Buy too many drinks for your friends.

DON'T: Think it's a good idea to order a beer and a mixed drink at the same time, and then chug the beer and sip the mixed drink. It probably should go the other way around, even if you do really impress the bartender with your retardedness.

DON'T: Decide to go swimming when completely hammered and fully clothed.

DO: Give your wallet and electronic devices to someone smart enough not to go into the water so they are not ruined.

DON'T: Leave your wallet and electronic devices with said smart person after he drops you off at your apartment. You probably were going to need those things the next day.

DO: Thank your designated driver for drinking less than you.

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